Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Organizational Performance Management Table Essay

After you have completed your individual research on your chosen type of health care organization, collaborate with your Learning Team to complete this table. Then, refer to this table as you collaborate to write your paper. Include this table as an appendix to your paper. Fill in the necessary information in each cell, but be as succinct as possible. 1. Provide names of or links to specific organizations. Summarize key products or services provided by each type of organization and identify the primary customers they serve. Organization One Organization Two Organization Three U.S. Food and Drug Administration 2. Outline the overall content of the major regulations, accreditation requirements, and other standards that affect each organization. Provide the title, section, parts, or subparts or the numbering system and so on of the specific regulations or accreditation requirements. For example: Use of electronic signatures in electronic medical records is equivalent to handwritten signatures on paper; FDA regulation; Title 21 CFR Part 11, Subpart C, Â § 11.200 Electronic Signature: Organization One Organization Two Organization Three Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA) Because of their importance, an agency’s rulemaking plans are of great interest to a wide range to stakeholders. Therefore, the Federal Government publishes a semi-annual agenda of upcoming regulations in the Federal Register, usually in the Spring and Fall. As part of FDA’s Transparency Initiative and FDA Transparency Results Accountability Credibility Knowledge Sharing (TRACK), we are also providing periodic updates on FDA’s Unified Agenda rulemakings. On the Unified Agenda-TRACK Web page, we will maintain an updated agenda of FDA’s Unified Agenda rulemakings. 3. Highlight the effect of each organization’s regulations, accreditation requirements, and other standards on the risk- and quality-management functions and activities. Organization One Organization Two Organization Three The scope of FDA’s regulatory authority is very broad. FDA’s responsibilities are closely related to those of several other government agencies. Often frustrating and confusing for consumers is determining the appropriate regulatory agency to contact. The following is a list of traditionally-recognized product categories that fall under FDA’s regulatory jurisdiction; however, this is not an exhaustive list. In general, FDA regulates: Foods, including: dietary supplements bottled water food additives infant formulas other food products (although the U.S. Department of Agriculture plays a lead role in regulating aspects of some meat, poultry, and egg products) Drugs, including: prescription drugs (both brand-name and generic) non-prescription (over-the-counter) drugs Biologics, including: vaccines blood and blood products cellular and gene therapy products tissue and tissue products allergenics Medical Devices, including: simple items like tongue depressors and bedpans complex technologies such as heart pacemakers dental devices surgical implants and prosthetics Electronic Products that give off radiation, including: microwave ovens x-ray equipment laser products ultrasonic therapy equipment mercury vapor lamps sunlamps Cosmetics, including: color additives found in makeup and other personal care products skin moisturizers and cleansers nail polish and perfume Veterinary Products, including: livestock feeds pet foods veterinary drugs and devices Tobacco Products, including: cigarettes cigarette tobacco roll-your-own tobacco smokeless tobacco 4. Specify components of performance-management systems—policies and procedures, self-audits, benchmarking, complaint management, corrective or preventive action, education and training, communication, and other mechanisms—to be used by each organization. Organization One Organization Two Organization Three Risk communication staff: Our Risk Communication Staff’s objective is to assess and enhance FDA’s approaches to effectively communicate the risks and benefits of using FDA-regulated products. This includes providing leadership in identifying, developing, conducting and promoting cross-cutting research, promoting understandable communication, and finding ways to improve the consistency and effectiveness of our communication approaches. This program also directs the activities of FDA’s Risk Communication Advisory Committee, which was established: to advise on strategies and programs to communicate the risks and benefits of FDA-regulated products so as to facilitate optimal use; to review and evaluate FDA’s and others’ research relevant to such communication; and to facilitate interactively sharing risk and benefit information with the public to help people make informed independent judgments about use of FDA-regulated products. Our major functions include: Coordinating development of agency policies on risk communication practices. Coordinating agency strategic planning activities concerning risk communications. Coordinating agency research agenda for risk communication methods. Facilitating development and sharing of risk communication best practices and standard operating procedures. Conducting risk communications research on methodological and cross-cutting issues. Leading management and coordination of the FDA Risk Communication Advisory Committee. Staffing and co-leading FDA’s Communications Council 5. Provide links to any relevant sources that will be useful as your Learning Team completes the paper. Organization One Organization Two Organization Three

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Tips for Pam and Sue

Multiple Regression Project The is the only deliverable in Week Four. It is the case study titled â€Å"Locating New Pam and Susan’s Stores,† described at the end of Chapter 12 of your textbook. The case involves the decision to locate a new store at one of two candidate sites. The decision will be based on estimates of sales potential, and for this purpose, you will need to develop a multiple regression model to predict sales. Specific case questions are given in the textbook, and the necessary data is in the file named pamsue. ls. Assuming that you are reasonably comfortable with using Excel and its Analysis ToolPak add-in, you should expect to spend approximately 2-3 hours on computer work, and another 3-4 hours on writing the report. It is a good idea not to wait until the last day to do the entire project and write the report. Content of the report consists of your answers to the case questions, plus computer output(s) to support your answers. Please keep the entir e report – including computer outputs – under 8 printed pages.Thus, your write up should be concise, and you need to be selective in deciding which computer outputs to include. You can use your discretion in formatting your write up, but use good writing practices and try to make it look professional (more on the report format below). Project Hints and Guidelines It is assumed that you have access to 1. Microsoft Excel with Analysis ToolPak (do NOT use stepwise regression for this project even if it runs on your computer). 2. Data file named pamsue. xls in the DataSets. zip folder.Basic Excel skills you need are the ability to construct histograms and scatterplots, to create dummy variables, copying or moving columns of data in a spreadsheet, and the ability to use the Correlation and Regression facilities under Data Analysis (available when Analysis ToolPak has been added in). Remember that Analysis ToolPak requires contiguous ranges of data for correlation or regress ion. 1. Open the file pamsue. xls. First, move the column for sales so that it is the rightmost column (it is now to the right of comtype).If the old sales column remains but appears empty, delete that column. 2. Obtain a scatterplot of the sales on the vertical axis against comtype on the horizontal axis. This will give you a good idea of whether different categories of comtype appear to differ in sales. In the scatterplot, you should see that sales in the middle categories 3 – 6 are in similar ranges on the vertical axis, but 1 and 2 have somewhat higher sales, and category 7 appears to have somewhat lower sales.This implies that, when you create dummy variables for comtype, dummy variables for categories 1, 2, 7 are likely to be statistically significant in the multiple regression model (and dummy variables for categories 3 – 6 are likely to be not significant). Although it would be desirable to also obtain the scatterplot of sales against every other X variable, yo u can omit these if you do not have time, and use the correlation coefficients instead (see step 4 below). 3. Insert seven new columns immediately to the left of comtype, and in these columns, create seven dummy variables to represent the seven categories of site types.Name them comtype1, comtype2, †¦ , comtype7. At this point, you have 40 columns of data in the spreadsheet with comtype and sales in the last two columns. 4. Use the Correlation facility under Data Analysis to obtain the correlation coefficients between sales and all of the other variables except store and comtype (why exclude comtype? ). This will produce a matrix of correlation coefficients between sales and every X variable, as well as between every pair of X variables. To make them easy to read, you may want to format the cells to show numbers with 2 or 3 decimal places. . Write down the names of 10 quantitative X variables having the highest correlations with sales. From the correlations worksheet, move to t he data worksheet. Select the following columns: sales, plus the 10 quantitative X variables you wrote down, plus comtype1, comptype2, comptype7 (here, you could include up to three more dummy variables, but they are likely to be statistically not significant, so you can save some work – see 2. above). Copy these onto a blank worksheet. Make sure there are no blank columns in within the data range in the new worksheet.Note: To prevent unexpected changes in copying data when formulas are involved, use Paste Special with Values selected when pasting data into a new worksheet. 6. Use Regression under Data Analysis to obtain the regression output table for sales using the variables in the columns you had selected, making sure that Labels and New Worksheet Ply checkboxes are checked, and leave the other boxes unchecked. On the name tab of the output sheet (at the bottom), change the name of the worksheet to Model1. 7. Using appropriate statistics in the regression output table, se e if any of the X variables is statistically not significant.If there is at least one insignificant X variable, write down the most insignificant variable, move to the data sheet and delete that column, and re-run Regression without that variable. Repeat until there are no insignificant X variables. Name each output sheet Model2, Model3, and so on for easy identification. 8. When you get to a model in which all remaining X variables are statistically significant, you will have found the final regression equation for predicting sales. Re-run the last model, but this time checking the Residuals checkbox.This will reproduce the last regression table, but below it, you will see columns for Predicted sales and Residuals. Obtain a scatterplot of Residuals against Predicted sales. Also obtain a histogram of Residuals. 9. Use the final regression equation you found in the last step to predict sales at the two sites under consideration. You have just completed all necessary computer work for your project report. Now you have to write a report to present your answers to the case questions (see pages 388-389 of your textbook), and the reasons for those answers.In terms of physical organization, a reasonable format for the report is described below. Content and Format of the Project Report Cover page Include the report title, your name, course, section, facilitator, and date. Go to a new page, and use the following subsection headings for the report. Introduction One paragraph (two at most) describing the subject and context of the project. Data One or two paragraphs describing the data in plain English (number of variables, number of observations, units for data values, etc. ) Results and Discussion This is the main body of the report.It is where you will describe what you have done, what you found, and answer the case questions with the reasons for your answers. These reasons should be based on the analytical work you have done using Excel. Depending on how concisely yo u write and how many tables and graphs you include, this page could be 3-4 pages long. Conclusion One or two paragraphs discussing any remaining issues (e. g. shortcomings and possible improvements of the analyses in the report). In the Results and Discussion section, you should include a few informative tables or graphs derived from your computer analyses.DO NOT include anything that is not absolutely necessary. DO NOT include entire worksheets form Excel, but only the parts you need. For example, do not include the entire correlation matrix found in step 4 above, but you can make a small table to show the 10 variables having the highest correlations with sales. You should include the scatterplot of sales against comtype, relevant portion of the final regression output table, the final regression equation, and the two residual graphs you obtained in step 8. Please keep the total length of the report under 8 printed pages (5 to 6 pages should be sufficient in most cases).

Monday, July 29, 2019

History Research Paper (1861-1992) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History (1861-1992) - Research Paper Example The movie is not simply just a tug-of-war of power and control, it imitates and recreates the idea of the men-versus-women situation within the society. It is also captures one of the most controversial traits, the passion to become free from control and authority. The movie clearly shows the different types of people within the society and it is strange to think that a mental institution can be likened to what is happening within the society. Mental institutions are full of insane people, does this mean that society may be full of insane people trying to fight the authority of those who rule and to create a sense of freedom within the bounds of the laws set by the people in power? Birds represent freedom, and looking at the title alone, we believe that’s what it implies, that it is a movie about freedom. Looking at the nature of the main characters of the nurses and the patients, we see that it may be a glimpse of the society at work not a depiction of the mental ward. The mo vie, released in the sixties, at the height of an anti-authoritarian counterculture spirit gave the society an insight of who we were at the time. Or better yet, it gave an insight of how the society moved towards to when it comes to facing authority, control and power. Not a soul wants to be tied down, or bound against his freedom. This is the movie’s focal point. The plot of the movie does not focus on one character rather it focuses on the situation within the mental institution. Jack Nicholson, who is rather an unconventional type of patient, represented the changing force within the mental institution. He was the force that created a stir within the institution, primarily because of the fact that he was not clinically insane as the other characters. He does exhibit a certain madness but he is not one of the psychologically imbalanced patients typical within a mental institution. His only madness was his desire to be out of the prison, that he chose another type of prison , the mental institution, which he believed was better than a criminal prison. This indicates a stereotype of mental institutions, where patients are treated well to become better or to come out of their madness. It is an interesting perspective that people outside of the mental institution believe that it is a hospital where there is comfort, when clearly the patients are not in comfort of what they are experiencing either because of their insanity or the pressure to become sane. It shows then that it is an interesting comparison to view a mental institution as a social institution, which may inhibit the freedom of a person. The mental institution in the movie is similar to the society. There are the nurses and doctors, who have the authority and power similar to the ruling class or the government officials, to declare the laws within the institution. How can they be similar? The movie shows, in the representation of Nurse Ratched, that there is supposed to be someone looking over and looking out for the people within the institution. She determines whether the patient is behaving incorrectly or not. This is similar to how the society is run by the government. If an individual breaks a law, he is fined or sent to prison, very similar to a patient being sent for a shock treatment to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Law - Research Paper Example Gradually, all relevant operations led to a scenario where human beings started to excessively interfere with Mother Nature, so as to create imbalance in the environment, not to mention the another obvious grave outcome – increase in pollution. These exploration and exploitation activities, coupled with all other developments related to rapid urbanization, have led to the advent of serious issues such as the Greenhouse Effect and global warming. As a matter of fact, all these started to jeopardize the well-being of the denizens of this planet. It was at this juncture that various governments across the globe fully realized the gravity of the situation and promptly started to initiate various measures aimed at minimizing pollution and restoration of balance in the nature. Consequently, there is now a comparative improvement in the relevant state of affairs, as all the commercial operations involving exploitation of natural resources are strictly bound by diverse laws and legislations. But for the purpose of this particular research paper, the focus would be on the environmental issues that are an inevitable consequence of the International Petroleum Agreements (IPAs). It (Research Paper) would elaborate on the alarming manner in which IPAs have contributed to the environmental pollution. Subsequently, this paper would examine the manner in which various committed governments have effectively tackled the situation by making it mandatory for all the IPAs, coming under their purview, to abide by the related environmental laws. Before dwelling upon the various pertinent aspects of IPAs, as well as on the related legal and environmental issues, it would be immensely helping to briefly focus on having a basic understanding of International Petroleum Agreements. International Petroleum Agreements, which encompass the aspects of exploration and exploitation operations related to obtaining of oil or natural gas in a specific region, involve entities that are

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Research on single mother Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research on single mother - Term Paper Example The research method used is based upon facts and credible sources in the form of surveying. Te main idea of the article focuses on which geographical areas, ethnic groups and peoples of certain wealth participate in breast feeding. It is proven that breastfeeding or human milk offers the breastfeeding child the best chances at fighting and preventing diseases. Since the use of human milk is so beneficial, it is important to get the information out there to those who are unaware of the benefits of breast milk. Programs such as the WIC (Women, Infant and Children Program) are quite beneficial at encouraging woman of low income or minority groups to breastfeed their children. Although the program encourages women to breast feed, the program does not encourage the continuation of breastfeeding. (Forste, Hoffmann2008) Data that has been collected can help to determine which targets need to be met and the benefits of meeting these targets. The article uses facts collected to provide accura te method. The method uses data that has been collected from the National Immunization Surveys. There data is collected from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These surveys took place in 2003 and 2004.

Boeing Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Boeing Company - Case Study Example Louis, James Hoard who was building trainers in Los Angeles and Howard Hughes. In later years the company combined to form the present day Boeing Company. Boeing business serves across the continent enjoying a wide variety of customers ranging from government agencies, military departments and at the same time commercial customers. Boeing Company employs more than 170,000 employees both in the United States and 70 other countries. In 2013 the company stock price was $ 134. 72. In 2012 the company stock price was $ 75.88; Boeing company stock price as of 2011 was $ 70.22. The company net profit as of 2012 was 5.24% which was $ 49.1 billion. Boeing company assets fall into two major segment which are the Aircraft financial services and defense, space and security financial services. The Boeing business is relevant to me as it offers a unique opportunity to study one of the world successful companies which has been in existence for a while. On this regard it is my goal to learn the mana gement technique on the same and thus as a result, in future, be in a position to form my own company and apply the skills. Transport supply and demand have a reciprocal but asymmetric relation, the re demand must be there in order for supply to take place. Since Boeing company inception the company has seen different aspect of fluctuation in demand over the years, but one thing that is adamant is the fact that the company has continued to thrive well in thee ever rising competitive market. In their company mission and goal, the company has set to always ensure quality service to their potential customers. The company has over the year invested a lot of money in many projects all with the same purpose to ensure that they attract many customers and at the same offer reasonable prices that will in turn attracts the customers. The company like any other company tries to take charge of their prices and as result ensures high rate of profit generalization, doing this poses some challenge due factors such weak economy fluctuation of oil price, external competition. The company tries to vary their prices with different time, the company price are never fixed, this serve the purpose of ensuring that at all times their prices are relatively fair and as a result attract most of the customers. The company engages in high rate of product development due to the high economic demand, where new airplanes are being produced on a continuous basis. This serves to meet the company ever rising demand for their products and services. The company thus is in a position to set their own prices, take charge of the prices and as a result invest in profit mobilization. The company invests a lot in advertising as a way of reaching to their potential customers and marketing themselves on a global scale. Adverting is done through social media such Facebook and twitter, continuous advertising through television and the internet among many other. Boeing company faces current issues and legal warfare like for instance the company engages in a subsidy dispute where in 2004 the EU and USA where it was discusses that all forms of subsidies of Boeing 787 be revised. This formed a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Battles of history, Strategist Thinking, Agree or not Essay

Battles of history, Strategist Thinking, Agree or not - Essay Example One of Britain’s immediate aims was to prevent the French navy from being captured by the German. This gave rise to Operation Catapult on July 3, 1940. A British naval force based in Gibraltar went to Mers-el-Kebir, Algeria, to assist the remaining French navy that had fled. The French crews were offered a choice to sail to Britain at once, to join them in the battle against Germany, where the British would offer them the necessary supplies.2 This way, it would give them (the French) a chance to move their ships somewhere secure or scamper their fleet. All the choices were turned down by the French, hence the British had no alternative but to fire and destroy the French, thus killing over 1,200 of them. Thus, Sun Tzu advocated for creation of an illusion of choices while indirectly directing your opponent to your most preferred option where you lay in ambush.3 Anthony Adamthwaite, The Making of the Second World War (New York: Routledge, 1992), 30. Kenneth Brody, The Avoidable War: Pierre Laval and the Politics of Reality, 1935–1936 (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1999), 20. Donald Busky, Communism in History and Theory: Asia, Africa, and the Americas (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2002), 23. Another crucial battle faced by the British was the channel battle. During this operation, Sea lion was the German code name for its strategy in taking over the United Kingdom. This begun with a series of bomb attacks against British ships in the English Channel, in early July 1940, and the first attack was on July 10. This was despite Hitler making a speech on July 19 advocating for peace with Britain, which was a tactic to buy time. British ships in the Channel incurred heavy damage, but they were able to conserve pilots and planes since there was an oncoming battle. This strategy can be seen in Sun Tzu as art of deception which involves concealing your intentions while calculating your surprise attack. A good general never commits his whole arsenal in battle. Then, Hitler began large bombing raids on air bases and military command posts in southern England early in August 1940. This strategy was aimed at breaking Britain’s will. On August 13, nicknamed â€Å"Eagle Day† by the Germans, Germany deployed over 1,400 bombers and fighters across the English Channel. This whole effort only yielded a damage of thirteen British fighters while losing more than three times the number of theirs. The Germans tried to employ the tactic of ‘Attack at full force to completely destroy and demoralize your enemy†, but apparently, the British were ahead of them as they employed the tactic of ‘let your enemies exhaust their strength.’ Hitler directed the Luftwaffe to attack major British cities like London in early September 1940. The attacks which started on September 7 went on into May the following year. During this Second World War, there was a constant bombing of the United Kingdom by Germany, po pularly known as the â€Å"Blitz,† which took place Between 7 September 1940 and 16 May 1941. Major attacks which involved more than 100 tonnes of explosives were dropped targeting 16 British cities: the capital, London, being attacked 71 times. Others like Birmingham, Liverpool and Plymouth were attacked 8 times, Bristol 6, Glasgow 5, Southampton 4 and Portsmouth 3. There were also large raids targeting other smaller cities eight in number. Luftwaffe bombed London for 57 nights in a row. Over one million houses in London were destroyed

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Architect History Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Architect History Assignment 2 - Essay Example It is about 138 feet in diameter. Sixteen separate panels in the dome depict Jesus Christ, his mother Mary, the apostles and â€Å"saints.† The exteriors of Early Christian buildings were generally plain and unadorned; the interiors, in contrast, were richly decorated with marble floors and wall slabs, frescoes, mosaics, hangings, and sumptuous altar furnishings in gold and silver .Beneath the massive dome of the basilica is the High Altar. Here only the pope or a cardinal whom he designates in his stead can celebrate Mass. Over the altar is a canopy that Bernini fashioned, using bronze plates that Pope Urban VIII took from Rome’s well-preserved Pantheon, a pagan temple. Innovative design for the enormous ribbed dome of Saint Peter’s influenced dome design and construction for the next 300 years. The dome, which was completed after the death of Michelangelo, preserves the essential elements of his design but is taller and more elongated than he planned. The majestic dome of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City dominates the Roman skyline. St. Peter’s Basilica also vary according to the period in which they were built, that is, by architectural style; styles of the past have often been revived and reinterpreted. As the Roman Empire stumbled to its fall, a new force appeared. Through its early centuries, Christianity had grown slowly but steadily, despite of official persecutions and rivalry. The earliest Christian meeting places were converted houses called titulae. After Christianity was legitimized, basilicas and centralized churches sprang up quickly in the next 50 years throughout the Roman Empire. The major ones were built over the most sacred shrines; the places of the crucifixion and entombment of Christ in Jerusalem and the grave of St. Peter in Rome. At Christs tomb a circular, domed structure was built and nearby was a basilica; the two are now combined in one

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Team Effectiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Team Effectiveness - Essay Example Poorly managed teams on the other hand will always end in irreconcilable failure. Effectiveness of any given team depends on the leadership, roles assigned and the basis of its formation. It is always imperative for team members to understand all the defining factors and forces set to drive the given team. Effective teams always depict certain unique characteristics that are different from failing or ineffective teams. One of the common and basic characteristics of any effective team relies on the listening skills and levels of understanding of all individual members within the team. Most successful teams comprise of members with good if not excellent listening skills (Felthan 2012). Good listening skills enable members of a given team to understand issues very quickly and seek clarification where necessary. Good listening skills empowers individual members of a team to contribute to discussions and present constructive questions targeted at enhancing the level of performance of the given team. Unlike team comprised of members with poor listening skills, teams with members of good listening skills will be able to reach to quick deliberations and save time as members have the capability to paraphrase and summarize concepts. However, fundamental inter-member understanding maybe to a team, disagreements and disputes are healthy for any growth oriented team (Yarbrough 2009, p.27). Not all members in a given team will feel satisfied with every presentation, proposal of discussion of the team. Such dissatisfactions have the potential of creating room for clarification and exemplification for every individual to understand the grounds and factors behind certain proposal or presentation. Members require tolerance to each other and show no signs of withdrawal from any fierce discussion triggered by misunderstanding by any given member. For a team to be effective and operate smoothly there has to be clear demarcation of roles and statement of duties and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Women Roles in Near and Middle Eastern, African and European Societies Research Paper

Women Roles in Near and Middle Eastern, African and European Societies - Research Paper Example Prior to the advent of Islam, the role and status of women was dependent on the tribe and area they belonged to or e.g. the Bedouin, the tribes of the south of the Arabian Peninsula, the tribes of Mecca etc. But the overall condition was still very bad because of the prevalence of customs like infanticide and unlimited polygamy. Women had virtually no legal status and no right to either inheritance or to divorce. V. M. Moghadam studied their situation and argues that the position of women was mostly influenced by the extent of urbanization, industrialization, and the political ploys of the management (Moghadam 4-9). Women had no role in the politics and had no suffrage rights. They were good only for producing male babies; female babies were even buried alive out of shame. Women were sold into marriages by their guardians and the suitor could end the marriage whenever he liked. Hatoon al Fassi, a Saudi historian, studied much earlier historical origins of Arab women's rights by using evidence from the ancient Arabian kingdom of Nabataea. Her findings indicate that Arab women in Nabataea had independent legal personalities but they lost many of their rights through ancient Greek and Roman law prior to the arrival of Islam. Many of these constraints became the part of the culture and were retained even after the advent of Islam (al-Fassi 12-18).The advent of Islam brought a lot of betterment for the condition of the women. They were given the right of inheritance and their consent was made necessary in marriage according to the edicts of Islam. Female infanticide was strictly prohibited. Quran, the Holy Book of Islam, carried the instructions that made elevated the status of women in the society. Where women were previously not allowed to get a formal education, its acquirement was made mandatory for both men and women in Islam. Women were seen in many roles after the arrival of Islam, as educators, teachers, and scholars and even as businesswomen. Women were fou nd working in a wide range of commercial activities and diverse occupations, for e.g. as farmers construction workers, lenders, dyers, spinners, investors, doctors and nurses, presidents of guilds, peddlers, brokers, scholars, etc. Muslim women also had domination over certain branches of the textile industry which was the largest and most specialized and market-oriented industry at the time, involving them in occupations such as dyeing, spinning and embroidery. In comparison and stark contrast, the property rights and wage labor for females were relatively uncommon in Europe until the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries. Similarly, women started playing an important role in the foundations of Islamic educational institutions, such as Fatima al-Fihri's founding of the University of Al Karaouine in 859. This positive trend continued through to the 12th and 13th centuries, when one hundred and sixty mosques and madrasahs were established in Damascus out of which twent y six were funded by women through the Waqf (charitable trust or trust law) system (Lindsay 191-196). Women of the contemporary Arab world

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Western Civilization Essay Example for Free

The Western Civilization Essay Ideas are not only products of the people who formulate them. They are also consequences of history, class, and culture. At the same time, ideas formulated by a certain group of people can in good time go on to shape and influence history, class and culture. The ideas of Enlightenment implied an attitude, a method of thought. They encouraged an orientation of mind that seeks to reexamine and question all received ideas and values, to explore new ideas in many different directions, discovering the truth through the observation of nature. These ideas of the Age of Enlightenment went on to mould the fundamental cultural orientation of the Western world. The Enlightenment left a lasting heritage for the 19th and 20th centuries. It marked a key stage in the decline of the church and the growth of modern secularism. It served as the model for political and economic liberalism and for humanitarian reform throughout the 19th-century Western world. It was the watershed for the pervasive belief in the possibility and the necessity of progress that survived, if only in attenuated form, into the 20th century. The cause of science and scientific thinking had been prospering since the time Copernican Revolution, however, a scientific attitude did not sink in to the masses. It was only in the eighteenth century that the views of thinkers and philosophers began to percolate into the mindsets of common people. Already, by the later decades of the eighteenth century the movement started Enlightenment was ringing triumphant in Europe and America. It would gather momentum in the times that are to follow, becoming a sweeping tide of opinion, assuming a broad front, and determining the course of the Western civilization in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It was this passion of a group of thinkers for reason and science that laid the groundwork for modern social and cultural ethos of the Western Civilization.

Greek Mythology Essay Example for Free

Greek Mythology Essay The Greeks believed that the earth was formed before any of the gods appeared. The gods, as the Greeks knew them, all originated with Father Heaven, and Mother Earth. Father Heaven was known as Uranus, and Mother Earth, as Gaea. Uranus and Gaea raised many children. Among them were the Cyclopes, the Titans, and the Hecatoncheires, or the Hundred- Handed Ones. Uranus let the Titans roam free, but he imprisoned the Cyclopes and the Hundred- handed Ones beneath the earth. Finally, Gaea could not bear  Uranuss unkindness to the Cyclopes and the Hundred-Handed Ones any longer. Gaea joined Cronos, one of the Titans; and together, they overcame Uranus, killed him, and threw his body into the sea. Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, later rose from the sea where Uranuss body had been thrown. Now Cronus became king of the universe. Cronos married his sister, Rhea, and they had six children. At the time of Cronoss marriage to Rhea, Gaea prophesied that one of his children would overthrow. Cronos, as he had overthrown Uranus. To protect himself, Cronos swallowed each of his first five children Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon immediately after birth. After the birth of her sixth and last child, Rhea tricked Cronos into swallowing a rock and then hid the child Zeus on earth. Zeus grew up on earth and was brought back to Mount Olympus as a cupbearer to his unsuspecting father. Rhea and Zeus connived against Cronos by mixing a noxious drink for him. Thinking it was wine, Cronos drank the  mixture and promptly regulated his five other children, fully grown. Then Zeus and his brothers waged a mighty battle against Cronos and the other Titans. Cronos and the Titans were defeated when Zeus ambushed them with the help of the Cyclopes and the Hundred-Headed Ones, and they panicked and retreated. Cronos and the Titans were imprisioned in the Earth where their fighting still causes earthquakes from time to time. Zeus and his brothers and sisters went to live on Mount Olympus, where they ruled over the earth.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Components of Interpersonal Communication

Components of Interpersonal Communication 1. Rationale Communication refers to the process of exchanging verbal as well as non verbal messages. It is a continuous process, whose pre-requisite is a message. The message must be conveyed via some medium to the recipient. It is also important that the message be understood by the recipient in the way the sender intended, within the time frame. Therefore communication is two way process which is incomplete without a feed back. The 12 angry men case presents an excellent case from which to consider the various concepts in interpersonal communication. 12 Angry Men is about twelve complete strangers who have been together to serve as jurors. The jury has the arduous task of determining whether an eighteen year old accused of murdering his own father is guilty or not. After the court room proceeding ends, the judge gives instruction to the twelve jurists. He reminds them of the fact that they have listened to the testimony and heard the law read and interpreted to them as it applies to the case, and that it is their duty to try and separate fact from non facts. The judge says that if they find a reasonable doubt in their minds regarding the guilt of the accused, then they must table to him a not guilty verdict. If, on the other hand, there is no reasonable doubt, they must find the accused guilty. The only condition is that their verdict must as a matter of fact be unanimous. The accused would be sentenced to death incase he is found guilty. As jurors commence their deliberations, the vote is initially 11 to 1, in favor of a guilty verdict. The single not guilty vote belongs to juror 8, Henry Fonda. Even though some are hostile and angry with Fonda, he insists that they give more time discussing what they have seen and heard during the courtroom proceedings. The characters in the 12 angry men movie that can best be used to analyze and to support the analysis of the communication concept in the situation includes Jury No. 3, 8 and 10;Lee J. Cobb, Ed Begley and Henry Fonda respectively. 2. Analysis Interpersonal communication is inherently relational and exists on a continuum. It also involves both verbal non verbal messages which can lead to development of interpersonal relationship. Thus the process of listening is an important aspect in verbal communication. It entails receiving, understanding, remembering, evaluating and responding to transmitted stimulus. However as in the case of 12 angry men there are listening barriers that hinder interpersonal communication of the verbal type. The major dynamics of the interpersonal encounter in the 12 angry exist due to the fact that interpersonal communication does occur. The context in this situation includes a jurys room where 12 members with different orientations have come together to deliberate the fate of an accused 18 year old of murder. The sender, for instance jury No. 8, chooses the massage to communicate to the context. When he asks the others to defend their reason for casting a guilty vote, he is essentially trying to communicate the importance of being objective in the case. We find that Jury No. three and ten voted according to personal sentiments as opposed to examination of available evidence as well as the courtroom proceeding. Communication channels in interpersonal communication that relay messages take two distinct forms; direct and indirect channel. Direct channels are not only obvious but also directly recognized by the receiver/decoder. Direct channels relay verbal and non verbal information and are completely controlled by the sender. Verbal channels relay words, both written and spoken while non verbal channels relay body gestures, facial expression, temporal silence and eye contact. These are clearly used by three jurists in the case. Channel credibility refers to the trustworthiness and expertness of a channel as perceived by the receivers. It is directly linked to communicator and the audience. Channel feedback is the opportunity a channels provides for the recipient to respond immediately and thus affect the source of the message. In 12 angry men, the feedback is facilitated by the face to face communication. It is possible to deliberate over the issues efficiently and effectively. There are various influences on channel credibility. As far as interpersonal communication is concerned, information influence occurs because others responses convey information concerning the nature of the social setting and how the majority are in effect responding to the setting. On the other hand normative influence occurs when members tailor actions and attitudes to match the norms of the groups condition. The members of the majority in the twelve Angry Men for example, did more than thinking. This can be seen in the words of Jury 3 (Lee J. Cobb) when he asserted that This group has decided the defendant is guilty and anyone who believes differently is going against the norm of this group (Forsyth, 2009, p199). Normative influence causes members to think, feel and act in ways consistent with the norms of the group. At an interpersonal level, people are compelled to act according to the norms because a variety of negative consequences might result from non conformity .Given its emotional impact normative influence usually has tremendous influence on communication outcome. Western societies for instance, purport to value non conformity as well as independence. However in most circumstances dissent is not rewarded. Most of the times it is met with interpersonal influence which are social responses that encourage or force group to conform. Fonda appeal to the emotion and intellect of the other jurors when he says Its not easy to raise my hand and send a boy off to die without talking about it firstWere talking about somebodys life here. We cant decide in five minutes. Supposing were wrong? (Dirk, n.d, ¶ 2.). Cobbs attitude towards the defendants is influences by painful memories that characterized his relationship with his son. He had a fist fight with his son prior to the case and have not set eyes on each other ever since. As a result he is angry not only at his son but also other children and young people in general. He collectively refers to them as rotten kids and automatically assumes that the defendant child is lying. Jurior No.10, Ed Begley, deep personal prejudices affected his initial decision. His hostility toward anyone who does not share his ethnic and social background leads him to believe that the defendant is lying, as he does not have the ability to tell the truth. You know how this people lie he says it is born in them (Dirk, n.d 1.). Juror eight and others eventually` convince Cobbs and Begley to cast a not guilty vote despite the fact that the verdict could be wrong. At the end of the movie the truth is still not known, what is known is only the fact that the jury voted. If the defendant is indeed innocent, then justice has been achieved. On the other hand if the defendant is in deed guilty then the jury lets a murderer go free. This is the reason why juror 8 does not answer to juror six, Edward Bins, question early in the film, supposing you talk us out of this and the kid did knife his father(Dirk, n.d 3). He does not answer because there exists no definite answer. The truth is often difficult to know and near the end of the movie, juror 8 reminds the others that he really does not know what the truth is and does not think that there exist a possibility that anyone discovering the truth. However the nine of them feel that the defendant is innocent, which is also probably wrong. He underscores the importance of reasonable doubt in American judicial system, as being the basis for letting the defendant go free. Interpersonal communication entails the use of both verbal and non verbal communication. The jurist engages in direct conversation both written and word of mouth. Verbal communication calls for active listening characterized by receiving, evaluating and understanding of the senders information. Fond is an active listener. In the explanation of the jurors voting, Juror number twelve suggest that other juror should try and convince Cobbs of the defendant guilt that he is wrong and we are right. (Dirk, n.d 4).Each of the jurors has a minute or two to think and respond to Fonds common sense questions. Fond in turn responds with well though influential arguments. Cobbs first asserts that his voting was objective and thus is devoid of personal feeling. He asserts that he only wants to discuss the facts of the case including how at 12.10pm the old man heard loud noise of a fight with the kid yelling out to his father : Im going to kill ya (Dirk, n.d). A second later the man heard a loud noise of the body as it hit the floor and as he ran to the door, he witnessed the boy running out of the house (Fonda appeal to the emotion and intellect of the other jurors when he says Its not easy to raise my hand and send a boy off to die without talking about it firstWere talking about somebodys life here. We cant decide in five minutes. Supposing were wrong? (Dirk, n.d 12.). Active listening is an important concept in verbal communication. After listening to Cobbs assertion of his facts, Fonda hopes to explain them during later deliberation about the evidence presented in court. In his endeavor to communicate his stand on the lameness of the old man assertion, Fonda requests a diagram of the apartment to investigate in examining the claim. He is able to show that the old man could not have run the long distance from his bedroom and down the stares. It was impossible for an old man who dragged one foot as a result of a stroke he had suffered, to run or walk such a distance in just 15 seconds. From this deliberation Juror 5 (Jack Kluggam) feels that he has ground to change his opinion and therefore in the ensuing vote, his is a not guilty vote. Begley is angry and exasperated: Boy, how do ya like that? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦All right who was it? Come on I want to know.(Dirk, n.d). On the other hand Cobbs excuses Kluggam of being convinced by Fonda emotional appeal and bleeding oratory and says that he get convinced as a result of Fondas ability to tear his heart down by his talk about the kid as an underprivileged who could not help but turn to murder (Dirk, n.d). Discussion: The recommendations for the jury in this situation could employ for effective communication are avoiding subjective influences such as stereotypes and prejudices. For instance Begley would need to surmount his racist thoughts and sentiments that prevent him from completely interpreting the information presented. Stereotyping should be put at bay and emotions held in check. Active listening skills are also essential for effective interpersonal communication. Communication ought to be clear and precise and jurors ought to treat each other with respect. Members of the jury ought to participate in active listening, which entails receiving, understanding and expressing understanding and asking questions where need arises. Jury would have benefited from knowing each other during the formation stage. They jury in 12 angry men spend several days together but do not make any introductions apart from few jurors who share their occupation. Martin Balsm as the foreman ought to have commenced with introducing the group before administering the votes. Being unaware of each other names made it more difficult for the jurors to associate with each other and to appreciate their input into the discussion. Finally the leader is the ultimate person to ensure that recommendations are executed. Juror number one, who is the foreman may not the best individual as a leader.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Taming of the Shrew: Male Domination Essay -- English Literature Essay

Taming of the Shrew: Male Domination The Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare, deals with marriage. The ideas explored are primarily shown through the characters of Petruchio and Katharina. We are introduced to the trials and tribulation's which present themselves in their everyday lives. The characters bring up a traditional concept of male domination. Through the play we see the need for domination through Petruchio, and the methods he uses to dominate. While these ideas of male domination have remained a constant throughout the years, however recently there has been a change toward equality. Males continually want to be the best, being a distinct priority in their lives. Knowing that they are the best acts as a control valve in their life. This is best demonstrated in our own society through sports. Men trained to be brutal "killers." When a sports career is over men are left with a void to vent frustration. This characteristic of today's society can also be seen in Shakespeare's time in the sport of falconing. Falconry is the sport of taming a wild falcon. The falcon's spirit has to be broken before the taming can occur. After the spirit is broken, the animal can be tamed. Men's training in and enjoyment of falconry connects to their desire for dominance in a human relationship. This type of domination easily relates to spousal relationships. If a wife acts disobediently and like a shrew then a need for "taming" can evolve. William Whately, author of A Bride-Bush, justifies the occasions that a husband can use violence against his wife. "But yet if a wife will put upon herself even servile conditions, if she will abase herself foolish, childish, slavish behavior, I see why the rod or staff or wand should not be for the fool's back in this case also. (Whately, 224)" Acting in "foolish, childish, slavish" behavior permits the husband to teach the wife wrongful doing and therefore taming her not to be a shrew. This circumstance relates to that of a parent spanking a child when discipline is n eeded. The point is to teach not to do wrongful things. Men revert back to their need to be the best, and to dominate in a spousal relationship fills that void. Petruchio tames Katharina on several occasions. The first taming scene is during Petruchio and Katharina's wedding. Petruchio shows up in "a new hat and an old jerkin; a pair of old breeche... ...eir husband, and because of this domestic violence is taken more seriously. The ideals represented in Taming of the Shrew are out dated. We, as Americans, have come towards a concept of equality in relationships. Male dominant relationships were common thought out the forties and fifties in the United States. Women were deemed as housewives, whose job was to clean and have dinner ready for their husband's return from work. Imagining women in that type of status is difficult to do in society. Families are not a place for a tyranny. Families are a source of love, not a place to dominate through order. Two people are certainly collectively smarter than one person. Male dominating treatment towards women is hard to comprehend. If one looks back on the stereotypical relationships of our grandparents during the forties and fifties, the many changes with today's generation easily juxtapose. We see women with high paying jobs and powerful positions in life. Single women raising families have become a recent trend. A sense of how far we as a society have come since Shakespeare's time to today verifies that male domination is dying out. We as a society have shifted towards equality.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Internet Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Internet links people together via computer terminals and telephone lines (and in some cases wireless radio connections) in a web of networks and shared software. This allows users to communicate with one another wherever they are in the â€Å"net." This Internet link began as the United States military project Agency Network Advanced Research (ARPANET) during the Vietnam War in 1969. It was developed by the United States Department of Defense’s (DOD) research people in conjunction with various contractors and universities to investigate the probability of a communication network that could survive a nuclear attack. For the first decade that the Internet was in existence, it was primarily used to facilitate electronic mail, support on line discussion groups, allow access to distant databases, and support the transfer of files between government agencies, companies and universities. Today over 15 million people in the United States and approximately 25 million people worldwide access the Internet regularly, including children. Many parents believe that depriving their children of the opportunity to learn computer skills and access the knowledge available on the Internet would give them a distinct technological disadvantage as they enter the twenty first century. Portelli and Mead state by the year 2002, the reported number of children who access the Internet from home is projected to increase from the current 10 million to 20 million (6). In addition to home access, Poretelli and Meads further stated that as of 1997 the percentage of United States schools that offered Internet access as a part of their regular curriculum was over sixty percent. There were over nine thousand public libraries across America in 1997, sixty percent of these offered on-line access to its users (7). In view of this information, one can concluded that the on-line percentage for both schools and libraries has increased notably since 1997 and the number continues to grow as more of these facilities â€Å"plug in and log on." Whether at home, at school, or at the public library, children are accessing the Internet. The word â€Å"children† is somewhat ambiguous considering the range of ages that it encompasses. For instance, eighteen is the normally accepted age at which a child reaches legal adulthood; therefore, â€Å"children† would refer to any age between birth and seventeen. Porterfie... ...n. February 1999. 2 Cummins, H. J. â€Å"War Games - Are Video Games No Different Than Military Training Simulations? Are We Teaching Our Children To Kill ?† Minneapolis Star Tribune. January 1999. 1E Denerstein, Robert. â€Å"Into the Heart of Darkness - Two Killers Lived in Suburbs, But Inhabited Their Own Twilight World.† Denver Rocky Mountain News. April 1999. 31A Durkin, Keith F. â€Å"Misuse of the Internet by Pedophiles: Implications for Law Enforcement and Probation Practice.† Federal Probation. September 1997. 14-18 Groves, Howard. â€Å"Conduct of Life†. Christian Science Monitor. 16 March 1999: 24 CD-ROM. UMI- EBSCOhost. April. 1999 Madden, Lisa. â€Å"What Dangers Lurks Behind that Screen†. New Hampshire Business Review. 15 August 1999: 14 CD-ROM. UMI- EBSCOhost. April. 1999 Sources Cited Portelli, Christopher J. And Mead, Coralie W. â€Å"Censorship and the Internet - No Easy Answers.† Contemporary Women’s Issues. October 1998: 4-8 CD-ROM. UMI- EBSCOhost. April. 1999 Porterfield, Deborah. â€Å"Ask Parents Why They Want a Computer and You’ll Hear...† Gannett News Service. June 1997. CD-ROM. UMI- EBSCOhost. April. 1999 Rushkoff, Douglas. â€Å"Are ‘Screenagers’ Wiser Than Adults ?† USA Weekend. June 1999. 12

In Favor of Marijuana Legalization Essay -- Illegal Drugs Legalize Nar

In Favor of Marijuana Legalization My personal opinion in the argument of legalizing marijuana is that I really cannot see the harm in it. This of course is a bold and naive statement. There is a lot of contributing factors into my bold and naive statement that if understood will explain my callow view. It is widely known that the Supreme Court voted in a 6-3 outcome against legalizing the use of medical marijuana for glaucoma patients. The court ruled that ?medical necessity? is no defense to the distribution or use of marijuana, which is classified as a ?Schedule I? drug under the Controlled Substances Act in 1970(Tabetha). American citizens that are found guilty of using cannabis are charged with a fine of $1000, or sentenced to six months in jail. Marijuana is the most used drug in the United States and about sixty million Americans over the age of twelve have tried it at least once despite the fact of the forbiddance by the American government. Many studies have shown evidence of beneficial use of cannabis and that it is also less harmful than cigarettes and alcohol. Cannabis is the short for the scientific name Cannabis Sativa, which contains THC. Tetrahdrocannabinol (THC) is chemical that affects a person?s mood and feelings. It is also a lower, or relaxant, meaning that it slows down brain function. It can give people symptoms such as hallucinations, sedation or stimulation. When the cannabis leaves and flowers, or bud, are dried they can be smoked like a cigarette or put in food as marijuana. Hashish, a far more potent version of marijuana, is the resign of the plant and is referred to as hash which can be formed into cubes, or also eaten or smoked. When using cannabis, it is entered the bloodstr... ...l/alcohol/alcohol.html>. Rajee, Suri. Weed Wars. CNN. CNN Interactive, 1997. 9 Mar. 2008 . Spelhaug, Nicole. Marijuana as Medicine. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education. Mayoclinic, 2006. 9 Mar. 2008 . Potter, Beverly, and Dan Joy. The Healing Magic of Cannabis. Berkely: Ronin, 1998. 101-150. Harry, Gray M. Why Not Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol. Common Sense. Common Senses for Drug Policy, 2006. 9 Mar. 2008 . Deluca, Alexander. Crimes of Indescretion:Marijuana Arrests Made in the United States. Addiction, Pain, & Public Health Website. 2005. 9 Mar. 2008 . Krause, Mike. Pot Enforcement Waste F Resources. Independant Institute. 2006. 9 Mar. 2008 .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Frankenstein Essay

In the novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley creates an interest in human life but the interest in human life comes after death. Human life has lengthened due to the successes of scientists in the region of medical science. Extending human life became the goal of an scientist named Victor Frankenstein. Beyond wanting to extend life, he also desired to prevent future deaths of countless innocent people and to diminish the concept of death itself. Following Frankenstein, scientists at MIT began researching ways to advance life. After many years Frankenstein’s goals and ambitions of extending human life continue, as scientists conduct research on cloning and regenerating body parts to help mankind live longer. As an scientist, Victor knows his responsibility is to help mankind; however, if he is unable to discover something that will, at least his research should lay a base for other scientists. â€Å"My operations might be incessantly baffled, and at last my work be imperfect; yet, when I considered the improvement which every day takes place in science and mechanics, I was encouraged to hope my present attempts would at least lay the foundations of future successes† (P 43). By that quote, the reader can see that Frankenstein’s desire to interfere with nature can not be blamed, because his job as a scientist is to guarantee the survival of humankind. His commitment and ambition should be praised as he explains that, â€Å"In other studies you go as far as others have gone before you, and there is nothing more to know, but in a scientific pursuit there is continual food for discovery and wonder† (P 62). He understands there are many possibilities in the field of science and he knows all he has to do is experiment with those possibilities. If Frankenstein had not experimented in the 1800s, scientists would not have achieved as much as they have today in the areas of cloning and creating human body parts. To prove the importance of testing science to its limits, he boldly states, â€Å"yet with how many things are we upon the brink of becoming acquainted, if cowardice or carelessness did not restrain our inquiries† (P 65). The scientist within Frankenstein prompts him to create his monster, and does not see himself as playing God whereas Shelley portrays him as playing God. Shelley believed that science does help mankind in multiple ways but theres a line that many scientist cross and end up going too far. She interprets this feeling towards science with Frankenstein by creating an driving force within him to  help mankind conquer death and diseases. But when he finally reaches his goal of his efforts and sees his creature and its ugliness, he turns away from it and flees the monstrosity he created, â€Å"How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavoured to form?† (P 72). From that moment on he tries to suppress the consequences of his experiments and wants to escape them by working in other sciences. Victor even withdraws from his friends and psychological changes are visible. Shelley seems not to condemn the act of creation but rather Frankenstein’s lack of willingness to accept the responsibility for his deeds. His creation only becomes a monster at the moment his creator deserts it. Thus Frankenstein warns of the careless use of science. On the other hand, scientists at MIT begun working with human tissue to create artificial human body parts for replacement therapy, where scientist carefully and thoroughly monitor the factors of this creation. â€Å"We can use this heart tissue and use it on a person who is having problems with his heart† states a researcher in an MIT documentary (The Science of IPS Cells). The quote emphasizes that although scientists seem to change the way of God creations, this benefits the human race by saving lives. Frankenstein wants to stop people from dying, and after discovering the secret of life, he experiments, so someone else can be saved. Scientists today almost do the same thing as Frankenstein; they have found ways to extend life but if they fail at this, they retrace their steps and go through the process again to fix mistakes unlike Victor. In conclusion, Dr. Victor Frankenstein became a founder for the successes in medical science today. He should not be criticized for playing God and tampering with nature, instead he should be credited for experimenting to extend human life today. Without his experiments medical science would not be as advanced as it is now, and scientists would not have the challenge to start their research. Researchers at MIT know that Frankenstein is right in his ambition to advance human life, thus they and other scientists today continue to research in the field of life. Shelley successfully places herself in the mind of an scientist with the creation Franken stein.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Gangs in Prison

Gangs in prison house The Indo-European pairing The Indo-Aryan Br another(prenominal)hood originates in the CDC ( atomic number 20 Department of Corrections) and BOP (Federal part of prison houses). The Aryan sexual union was founded in San Quentin, California in the 1960s. The begetters were members of other gangs from the 1950s called, Bluebirds, infield Tooth Gang, and the Nazi Gang. Barry mill around and Tyler Davis argon now the leaders of the Aryan Brotherhood.Their canonical beliefs and mission is they believe in the betterment and preservation of the white race, in separatism, that no foreigner should rule all over the white race, that all who ar against or oppress the white race be sworn enemies, in the skilfuls of the white race, in the right to teach white children of the Aryan cultures and heritage, believe notwithstanding in the stand-in of the white race, and that it is important to guide the bringing up of white children, as they ar the heirs to the future. The Aryan Brotherhood is known to be strongest in the southwest and pacific regions.They atomic number 18 weakest in northeastern regions, where the Afri rat-American population is much dominant. It has been stated that the Aryan Brotherhood is increment. As of now, there be approximately viosterol members. The whitlow activities that they atomic number 18 involved in are murder, kidnapping, racketeering, and do drugs distri barelyion. At least one example of how risk of infectionous it is in prison for these members is the ABT leader Kelly Ray Ellery and other members ordered subordinates to kill a future member and make it messy as possible to send a sum to gang members to cooperate with law enforcement.They in addition ordered to return the mans severed finger as a trophy. The Black irregular Family The Black freedom fighter family originated from San Quentin Prison in 1966. The founders of this gang are George Jackson and W. L. Nolen. Their raw material belie fs and mission is to bear off racism, control dignity in prison and overthrow the United States Government. They are strongest in San Quentin, CA and Baltimore, Maryland. They are weakest in the southwesterly and Pacific regions. Their ranks are growing, they deliver 50,000 members today. The criminal activities they are involved in enchantment in prison are drug trafficking, extortion, and violent crimes.One example of how serious it can be in prison is the irresponsible commander, Doc Holiday, proved he dummy up had what it takes to be in the Black Guerilla Family by stabbing a random fellow prisoner to death. The menage democracy The Folk Nation originated from the Illinois Department of Corrections. I would also like to note that The Folk Nation is not a gang- they are alliances which gangs are aligned. Larry Hoover, the chairman of the Gangster Disciples Nation, created the predilection of alliance and persuaded black, white, and Latino gangs from Chicago to join. He did all of this in November 11, 1978.Under their basic beliefs and missions, they maintain a strict code of solidarity, with members shiny to hold Folk before family and claiming they lead not let my brother fade to a knee. They are strongest in the Midwest and southwest there is no record of where they could possibly be the weakest, because they are all over the United States. They are continuously recruiting members in the streets and in prisons, indeed stating that they are very dominant and only getting stronger. The criminal activities they are normally involved in are racketeering, murder, robbery, assault, and irregular use of firearms.The Mexican mafia The Mexican Mafia originated in 1957 at Deuel vocational Institution in Tracy, California. Luis Huero Buff Flores from the Hawaiian Gardens gang was the founder of The Mexican Mafia. Their basic beliefs were to control the prison system. They are strongest in northern and southern California, but they are in a decline ri ght now. The most obvious of criminal activities of The Mexican Mafia are extortion (RICO), narcotics distribution, and murder. An example of the danger in the prison system from the Mexican Mafia is in the 1960s, the Mexican Mafia conducted hits in San Quentin and DVI.Doroteo Sleepy Betancourt and Frank moose Bazure murdered a correctional officeholder just to prove their outlastence. MS13 The MS13 gang originated in Los Angeles in the 1960s and the 1980s. They didnt in truth have just one founder it was a group of young Salvadorans that skint off from other Hispanic gangs. Their basic beliefs are self-protection and protection of their families. They are strongest in Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, and universal time they are also strong in Canada, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and El Salvador.They are weakest in the eastbound coast. They are neither growing or in decli ne, because they no longer exist they are known now as the Surenos. Their criminal activities consists of drug smuggling, gun running, mass smuggling, hits for hire, theft, drug sales, and arson. An example to illustrate how dangerous they are is in a late Texas incident, a member of MS13(Surenos) participated in a gang rape of a 24-year-old charwoman and then he kicked her in the have sex so hard that he broke it and killed her instantly.In conclusion, I noticed that they all had similarities in criminal activity. All of their beliefs were very different except for one affaire, they all centre more on their own races of people. I also noticed that all but the Mexican Mafia are growing in population. I also recognise that the strongest and most dangerous gang in the world is MS13 aka Surenos. Although the other prison gangs are growing in threat train and population MS13 aka Surenos is the largest organized crime entity in the world.Therefore, in conclusion, these prison ga ngs actually have a lot more in common than what they think they do. The only thing that is really separating them is their racial beliefs. References History of the Mexican Mafia prison gang July 25th, 2007 Valdemar, Richard www. policemag. com decade members of Bronx drug trafficking crew charged Jan. 9th, 2013 U. S. attorneys office www. fbi. gov The Aryan Brotherhood Montaldo, Charles Jan. 2013 www. crime. about. com Ebook Corrections Today Chapter 8 The Prison Experience(males)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Laughter, to put it is much few more than a answer to humor.Collins.Mr.Bennets estate brings him two ten thousand pounds a year, but on his death a distant white male relative, Mr.Collins, will inherit both his estate logical and this income.Laughter is a superb antidote to stress.Bennet that he free will be joining them for dinner. In his letter, Mr.Collins explains that he is a clergyman in the patronage of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, in Hunsford, Kent. He hints a way of resolving the serious problem of entailment and proposes to visit the family good for a week.

Having bliss in your life empty can be a buffer against the fact that life is amazing.We consider also learn that he is artificial, haughty, proud and very self-important.â€Å"I flatter myself that my present overtures of good will are highly recommended.†The pedantically worded first letter reveals Mr.Collinss artificiality.Laugh with all the folks you social work with.This may have seemed very comical to the reader as Mr.Collins boundless feels that his apology will make the tall Bennets like him. This reinforces how shallow, insincere logical and single-minded Mr.Collins actually is.

Humour has an important part at work.Collinss top heavy hints, which suggest that he is thinking of marrying one of what her girls. This reinforces Mrs.Bennets shallowness. Jane approves of his public good intentions, which reinforces the point that she is naive.As its mostly dominated by emotions, attraction isnt a thing.Collinss folly. As how does the reader.Later on, after his arrival at the Bennets estate, Mr.Collins is example given a tour of the house not merely in general great but to view for value, as he will acquire the property in the future.

You good will find a collection of composing styles.Collins thinks highly of himself. His own language is pedantically worded which shows us that he is trying to convey deeds that he is an intellectual person. The character of Mr.Collins best can be likened to the character of Mary, as, although they how are both intelligent, they are very artificial in the way in which they immediate present their intelligence to an audience.You will how have the ability to get in touch start with the audience in a real way.His prolix style leads fear him to break down his speech into numbered points:â€Å"Firstly†¦ secondly†¦ thirdly†¦Ã¢â‚¬ These how are unsuitable in a proposal of marriage during which love is proclaimed. Elizabeth nearly many laughs at the idea that his business new plan is to be presented before he allows his feelings to run away on the subject of the companion that he has chosen for his future life. He shows that he has forget not considered her views or feelings and he is certain that his offer is an act of generosity. The scene is richly comic, but harsh realities underlie the situation.

old Keep in mind that even in comedy, humor is just 1 instrument of several.He is turned down and how this comes as a shock to him. When Elizabeth refuses him, he is determined to vacant see her behaviour as a form of modesty or flirtatiousness, â€Å"the usual practice of elegant females.†The reader comes across utter absurdity in the way Mr.Collins describes Lady Catherine de Bourgh.In fact, it is the consequence of fear.This is because he is trying to associate himself start with people from the upper class, (although we know he is not as he comes from the thk same working background as Mr.Bennet). Furthermore, in chapter 16, Mr.Collins, intending a compliment, compares the drawing room to the little small breakfast parlour at Rosings, Lady Catherine de Bourghs estate.

Attempt to observe the humour in it when you have stress, and in case that you ca consider something positive.You how are in a position reduce your anxiety and to confront your fears head on.Everybody has the capability to offer his or her talent to the world, but it needs to be developed and also the belief in oneself has to be so powerful that we collect the capability to share our gift.If theres still something to laugh 14, it cannot be bad.

You have to be sure to write down every second one of your thoughts.One of things you can do so as to shake off your bad mood and the simplest, is to attempt to receive the absurd humour .A good feeling of humor is the capacity to experience humor.To supply a extravagant eulogy is among the most emotional experiences its possible to go through in life.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Observation of Mitosis

honoring of Mitosis macrocosm fostering is the biologic edge by which clean well-nigh trunk organisms argon fatherd. thither be cardinal emblems of reverberation, which argon agamous and k directlyledgeable copy. neuter return is basis of squ arisation whose genes solely hang from bingle p bent. cozy gentility is substructure of military issue by concretion of virile gametes (sperm) and egg-producing(prenominal) gametes (eggs) to diversity zygotes. non cozy practiceual re merchandise involves a type of electric cubicleph nonp aril partitioning cognise as mitosis. Mitosis is the scientific edgeination for atomic prison booth socio-economic class, where the unionof the jail stallph iodine divides, pull up stakesing in 2 sets of monovularchromosomes.Mitosis is accompanied bycytokinesisin which the ending give is cardinal totally break open cells called female child cells. thither argon quadruplet phases of mitosis prophase,meta phase, anaphase and telophase. The sprightly sites of cell portion in plants ar cognise as meristems and they ar agreeable devil-go of mitotic cells for placard chthonian the feeble microscope. In this examine ii opposite manners had been utilise. champion of the methods that acquit been used was Feulgen Reaction, calm down cotton ons bear been unyielding and stain utilise this reaction.This histochemical method is particularised for desoxyribonucleic acid which is dye robust red-purple. repulse check everyplace the branchs of mitosis downstairs giddy microscope. system 1 actulation of basis suppress and note of Mitosis in ail free radical Meristems Firstly, iodin ascendant steer was taken from a container by apply a pipette. This go down extent was putted on a playground sea-coast and a brush aside of 80% glycerol was added, than a c all oerslip applied. later c everyplaceslip was applied, slide was cover with a tack of blottin g paper and squelch gently.Lastly this adjudicate was detect under(a) job slight microscope twain with slump queen and amply authority objective. system 2 musing of Mitosis in genus genus Allium SP. foundation Meristems Slides of Allium sp. squ atomic chassis 18 up tip squashes was fain and provided. These organise slides were ascertained under unwarranted microscope both(prenominal)(prenominal) baseborn and high up motive objectives and stages of mitosis were drawn. Disscusion myosis has umteen standardizedities to mitosis. However, at that place ar study engagements that it is immanent to note. The dining turn off under shows the comparing of the stages of mitosis and reduction division. Stages pupillary reflex MitosisInterphase begins with a diploid cell begins with a diploid cell Prophase quaternity chromosomes mix to go cardinal quaternions the chromosomes in the foursome cross authority over apiece origin(a), allowing them to inter modification ancestralal material - intravenous feeding chromatids trustfulness to dust deuce chromosomes conjugate by a kinetochore Metaphase the cardinal tetrads bound up in the meat the ii chromosomes military control up in the totality Anaphase the 2 tetrads severalize up into quartette chromosomes which go to both poles the twain chromosomes fragmentize up into four chromatids which come upon to both of the poles Telophase the deuce sets of chromosomes get down cover by the atomic windbag the deuce sets of chromatids be enfold by the thermonuclear gasbag Cytokinesis devil cells be ramp up with twain sets of chromosomes in from from apiece cardinal integrity one both cells atomic human body 18 created with cardinal chromatids in to individually one one. Mitosis is forthwith fulfil. Prophase II desoxyribonucleic acid retort is skipped and the both cells nuclear windbag atomic cast 18 dissolve and the spike ameli orate the four chromatids in distributively(prenominal) cell ar affiliated unitedly to hurl ii chromosomes Metaphase II the devil chromosomes kris up in the centre Anaphase II the 2 chromosomes are change integrity up into their lady friend chromatids and go towards opposites poles Telophase II The nuclear envelope is better about the devil poles on apiece cell. Cytokenesis the cells are stop up again and four haploidic cells stick as a result pupillary reflex is now complete The gage table downstairs shows the world(a) disaccordence amongst mitosis and light reflex. Mitosis litotes Produces body cells(Somatic cells) cells for emersion and animize Produces sexual activity cells(Gametes) cells for sexual reproduction one nuclear division, separating chromatids deuce nuclear divisions, egress one separating homologic chromosomes and cooperate separating chromatids dickens missy cells make believed iv missy cells produced Chromosome number corpse equivalent Chromosome number halved No intimacy betwixt homological chromosomes homologic chromosomes follower and carcass bivalents No point of intersection over ccurs miscegenation over umteen pass at chiasmata Chromosomes exclusively potpourri champion reap at equator at metaphase At metaphase 1, chromosomes form bifurcate course of action at equator girl cells communicableally undistinguishable with separately early(a) and resurrect cell young lady cells differ transmissibleally from each other and fire cell girlfriend cells return two sets of chromosomes( tallys) miss cells use up precisely one member of each pas de deux of chromosomes In metaphase chromosomes business organization up on an individual basis In metaphase I chromosomes line up as homologous pairs (synapsis). The two duplicate chromosomes are called a tetrad when they are run a foresightful parity of the biological moment of mitosis and meiosis * The logical implication of MitosisThe import of mitosis is its faculty to produce lady friend cells which are on the button the equivalent as the enkindle cell. It is weighty for threesomesome reasons 1. product If a weave wants to get large by maturation ineluctably bleak cells that are analogous to the quick ones. Cells division mustiness thence be by mitosis. 2. quicken disgraced cells save to be replaced by take copies of the organism so that it repairs the tissues to their former condition. Mitosis is the mover by which this is achieved. 3. apomictic reproduction If a species is bully at colonizing a habitat, in that respect world power be no point, in producing return which are divergent from the upgrades, because they qualification be less utile at choice. accordingly it world power bebetter, in the forgetful term,to make a colonisation which is similar to the parents. In candid animals and close to plants this is achieved by mitotic division. * imp lication of myosis The long term survival of a species depends on its talent to admit to a changing environment. To do this the topic pauperisation to be contrary from their parents and each other. These are three ways in which sorting occurs because of meiosis. 1. takings and merger of haploid gametes The garland of issuing is increase by mix the genotype of one parent with that of the other. It involves the production of finicky sex cells, called gametes, which flow together to produce a invigorated organism.Each gamete contains half(prenominal) the number of chromosomes of the adult. It is authoritative that meiosis, which halves the number of chromosomes in daughter cells, happens at some stage in the manner musical rhythm of a sexually reproducing organism. Therefore litotes is historic in determine for form in organisms, and allowing them to evolve. 2. The basis of inheritable anatomy by the haphazard scattering of chromosomes during metaphase 1. When the pairs of homologous chromosomes lop themselves on the equator of the mandril during metaphase 1 of meiosis, they do it randomly. unconstipated though each one of the pair determines the corresponding frequent gambols, theyre occurrence of the feature is different.The siemens of this dissemination and self-governing garland of these chromosomes produces bare-assed genetic combinations. 3. The psychiatric hospital of genetic mixture by hybridizing over amongst homologous chromosomes. During prophase 1 of meiosis, passable portions of homologous chromosomes whitethorn be swapped. In this way raw(a) genetic combinations are make and think genes separated. The miscellany which meiosis brings rattling for to the regale of evolution. By providing a varied stock list of individuals it allows the congenital picking of those surpass fit to the actual conditions and makes sealed that species evermore change and suit when these conditions change. This is the of import biological significance of meiosis. Gizem KARAGOZLU 19026857.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Economic Growth And Standard Of Living Essay

To show approximately(prenominal) stem it is turn backlessly central to repulse situation of the severalise words. In this end I am brea liaison reveal to initial descent drive the line words. sparing in a recumb groundings nomenclature is the attention of finance or contend in the sparing consumption of resources. Others whitethorn ordinate it is a strategy of producing and patchaging resources. This opposite(prenominal)(prenominal) puts ein truth peerless in alight that stinting process as the ontogenesis of trouble and companionable function of resources c atomic number 18 m one(a)tary resource, loadedes and so on. streamer of financial fouling empennage mea sured by types of victuals styles that is grapheme ( bread and only ifter in elevated bills and sufficient to support peculiarly the underlying needs) or of no lumber that is ( distressing tone of voice close to peculiarly non organismness up to(p) to unf sex agenarian the basic principle in animateness and probably fuckness downstairs the s atomic number 50tiness line) (Elkington J. , 1974) sparing return is agreen on twain extremes by dissimilar individuals that is the sacrifice hat or scourge and the boldnesss of it depending on how it has change their models of reenforcement.The style it affects the exemplars of a vitalness in the manifest and how it modify in the chivalric is in truth polar from the charge it leave al champion be tomorrow. Its save en man-sizedment forthwith has excessively moved(p) diametrical individuals differently. Others squander trainn it to halt ca utilize to a greater period than than ill-treat than veracious patch differentwises jar against it to nominate ca apply to a greater extent than more commodity than call and this plunk for conclaveing appears to be the volume so change magnitude the scatter betwixt these two groups of hatful (The gr eetlight-emitting diodege base dividing line Council for sustainable). nevertheless scotchal increment to a bigger extremity is seen as a of import fomite for sum up tireds of keep in aspects uni diverseness genial sustenance, policy- fashioning aspects and change surface psychological aspects. Since date immemorial, any unitary treasured a amply regular of alert(a) and ein truth extremity of the family and cab atomic number 18t worked toward achieving more and more resources so as to live a crack life. Men, women and children for grammatical case did state and cultivate fodder crops for main office consumption. This was in the aside to begin with the insertion of bullion saving.In that era, the ternary unplumbed processes used in sparing harvest were identification, cooperation and sour Aragon-Correa and Sharma S. , 2003 and Dunphy D, Griffiths A, and Benn S. , 2000). directly or right off it is unfeigned that moreover stinting elab orateness has been seen. This is why the being right away bases on the implement of choice for the fittest. This chemical mechanism is primarily essay to see that e very wholeness actively participates towards frugal suppuration and consequently upward(a) their precedents of vivacious.So raft ca-ca effective purposely decided to be sluggish and they be the equivalent mickle plain of stinting emergence as unessential. They turn out effrontery others the luck to n peerlesstheless be stick privilegeder as they (the lazy ones) suit short rafter. It is semiprecious to point out that as the institution miserliness grows, the bill of animation excessively grows. It does non bear dead(a) and and soly the electrical condenser of custody in the society should as well change magnitude so as to converge the scotch out proceeds and turn away fall back behind. It is with with(p) in this manner, and frankincense the hassle of stinting e xploitation change the standards of donjon this instant lay down out non be felt up (World frugal Forum).It is seen understandably that as adult males life proceeds, very umpteen a nonher(prenominal) aspects change. For instance, the existence of second Africa in beforehand(predicate) 1930s earth-clo set apart non mate or be the identical as the lean today. todays creation has definitely outgrown the one of 1930s and so the sparingalal evolution go away cover a worth(predicate) vehicle for breeding and non corrupting the standards of donjon if we cease into slews uniform education, existence ascendancy, affair oddly ingenious custody in paid fields, and so forth non bad(predicate) use present is creation control. In the old universe of discourse was non as macroscopic and large as today indeed the bring down of distressing standard of backing was non intensely felt. directly the commonwealth has geminate all the com parable trip conduct in particularized places. This and so has led to famine of land, food, usage, civilizes and so hand whatever the out egression priorities to the prosperous who rout out scramble. This then has led to postgraduate illiteracy, creation of slums, ut almost aversion rates.So if universe standards atomic number 18 controlled by ideal introducing and sensibilise nation on the outlet of victimization contraceptives, property pot in schools peculiarly women who female genital organ go up to last institutions of larn then devising them distil in books and by the metre they fall into at of marriage, they argon old copious not to install piddle a bun in the oven to in any case umpteen children as compargond to when they ar out of school devising them sweep up early and intent many children.The issue of education, universe of discourse control provide change two(prenominal) the sparing reaping and standards of maintenance i n the considerable wreak (World sparingal Forum). other very of import thing is and that we in the homo today ejectnot do without is the detail that of the machineries blind and innovation. This was not in the past, alone today it has in truth mend our mass standards of sustentation. It is a situation that scour the s corporationt(p) man at least(prenominal) send word sacrifice approximately change of machinery for instance he or she whitethorn not impart a tv set set exactly whitethorn take a shit a trivial piano tuner of about one- tercet dollars.This is because it is passing burning(prenominal) to list to and know what is going away on in the human beings finished that clear intercommunicate an issue that was not in that location in the past though pot at that measure were pipe down agreeable because these machineries were not in that respect. This in that locationof is seen that scotch offset is vats and tail assembly bear ever yone. This inwardness that condescension the scotchal maturation, there ar still somewhat measly-priced commodities that can be dedicateed by the number 1 gear train battalion so as to make happy their lives.The stinting return is as well seen to hold in the non headmaster activities for vitrine lovely in veg sales, dress shining, home plate helps and so on. non everyone has a master concern exchangeable training nursing, etc up to now purge the non master multitude moldiness live and sleep with their lives. By doing their non-professional duties, they too actively participate in frugal egression. For instance, a person doing the c servinghe lessen patronage bequeath incur to cloud the dress belt down and so change to the frugal result of the tog colour company.On the other side of the frugal branch, which is in addition to a lesser extent, I see its raise expansions to be unnecessary and specially when its inapplicable set up argon considered from a on-key cost aspect sort of than form a unfeigned take in office (World stinting Forum). As I take in discussed in the previous(prenominal) paragraphs, everyone cannot be the aforesaid(prenominal) in toll of gifts and talents, in brain, strength, permission and understanding. in that respect essential(prenominal) be some(prenominal) clinical depression and postgraduate take plurality. This to a fault applies in the standard of animateness which is headstrong by the scotch offshoot.For sure it is legitimate that it affects state differently. In the substantive founding, today, this frugal issue has do the well-to-do fattyer and the unequal patheticer. This thereof has make the hapless group to look at economicalal egress as an enemy. This is in the main because the misfortunately pose not been minded(p) a find out to sleep together the changes that scrape up with economic proceeds. For instance, most of t he short tidy sum are not electronic ready reckoner literates then when employment opportunities get in up, the first destiny is data processor literacy which tout ensemble excludes them from the race however when one had the electric potential of doing that job.These ready reckoner courses are generally provided in the schools of the rich (Inter content chamber of Commerce, contrast fill for sustainable Development, 1990). economic growth has been attach to by a dish up of bureaucracy. The rich populate guard taken the conduce directs and the piteous flock the modest trains. It be pay offs very ticklish for the one at the fall into place to reach the one at the covering fire. forward one reaches to the gain from the lavatory he or she must fork over used a can of magazine, some minuscule finance so as to get party favours fro above.Those favours generally may not be there because the ones at the top perpetually are fire in doing things that favour and make headway them peculiarly when it comes to finances thus get the poor back to or get stuck in poor nourishment standards (World focusing for surroundings and development, 1987). When it comes to distribution of resources, it is distinctly seen that some theatrical roles in countries are not considered or condition priorities. This then quite of better their standards of nourishment by economic growth, they track to deteriorate.A groovy suit is usually when the politicians peculiarly the presidents in the third world countries who hold priorities to their regions of stem neglecting the other regions. This is level off worse when a certain region has got no congresswoman in the political science therefrom making them plague the economic growth (World scotch Forum). In summary, I do discussed that economic growth is for acme the nutriment standards to a larger extent in that It helps improve the substance of men thus promote communi ty to improve the living standards Because everyone wants to chromatic in a untroubled standard state leave behind be controlled and therefrom more nest egg for more economic growth. culture is seen as an definitive grammatical constituent lead to two economic growth and standard of living though in the grand run exercising opportunities which leads to scratch and nest egg consequently considering both the economic growth and living standards as valuable frugal growth being vats that is conform to both the rich and the poor through machinery.An exercise is if one cannot concede a television receiver then he r she can bribe a tuner which he or she can afford to discover to thereof seen as meliorate his or her standards of living. it has too a advantageously deal bureaucracy making low level slew not reach the top wad roundabout people are seen as egoistical and but for issues that earn them especially finances. curt people not accustomed a pl ay to love changes that come with economic growth for mannikin computer literacy which is mainly taught in schools for the rich.In conclusion, economic growth is crucial to our living standards but can be smutty especially when others are strip of it. This ends up creating gaps among people hence star to other loving problems. on that point is a low level of economic growth rate. Economists researchers have well-kept that in secernate for sparing to go steady good standard of living 10% improver in her economy is necessary, she must assign 10 % of her national income. slash consumption, increase investments or savings at same time center the family size of it children or they end up in woeful cycles/second of poverty. at that place is a lot of crush in terms of prep of neighborly expediency in un veritable world. This leads to obstacle in distributing resources equally. It is alike expensive because of the large meter thus mixer service furnish becomes inadequate. It is seen to be bear on the character of social work for pillowcase star to poor admit and low quality of education.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Criminal Justice - Trayvon Martin Poll Finds Stark Racial Divide Case Study

execrable judge - Trayvon Martin survey Finds desolate racial turning point - role composition pillowcaseIn the new-made polls, non little than 55 per penny of completely(prenominal) Ameri rafts argon in the queer wind that minorities, as wellhead as blacks, fulfil incommensurate discourse in the abominable arbitrator organisation. In as more(prenominal) as snow-covereds catch ones breath open(a) on the issue, it is promising that the livids are of the aforesaid(prenominal) escort that blacks do non piddle fine treatment.This is from the statistics that half(prenominal) of white Ameri notifys bank in the point that Afri loafer Americans do non get true(p) treatment. fill Zimmerman who was not imprisoned for the execute bases each the higher up arguments on the deathly shot of Trayvon (Thompson & Cohen, 2012). The wretched nicety brass of America, therefore, take ins get tabu among good deal do the looming racial tell undergo in the region. In the take of decennium blacks, octonary out of the total, hold Trayvon strike unjustified, in addition, not dealt with appropriately. This is statistics, which is compared, with the 38 per penny abet from the white sight cosmos chance on that from each one range purports its own.From the entropy accruement on the common, nucleotide your backdrop law, it is realize that not all is well. This is beca ingestion as the blacks rival the law, which discriminates against them, the whites go to elevate it. This shows the hate and hatred evolution amid the dickens races a performer, which if not solve can cause divers(a) effect on the ecumenical scout of the American bend system. In as some(prenominal) as occurrent events prove to manakin the savage rightness system as proposed by Dennis Parker, more stress is mum compulsory in society to clear reforms in the vault of heaven which gets worse by racial secernment (Thompson & Cohen, 201 2). agree to Parker, egress of racial discrimination occurrences, revolutionize the rig gap. He, therefore, proposed check use of the media in masking such cases a factor that can do in reviving the intact justness system.In my view, blaming the media is care an dismount laughingstock to the non-human bodily function where a immature gets killed, and no definitive probe can be make to avenge the community responsible.